What is serviced accommodation, and what are the pros and cons of this property investing strategy? Instead of renting a property in the traditional sense for a number of years, this strategy focuses on short term lets - taking a property and treating it more like a guest house or hotel. In recent years companies such as Airbnb have completely revolutionsed this market, and in doing so, have created new opportunities for property owners to leverage their existing assets to achieve higher cash flow. You’ll hear from four members of the WealthBuilders Community who share their experiences, along with a whole host of things you have to learn about - not just delivering the service, but how do you get the customers in the first place? What's your tenant type? Are you catering for corporate customers, or leisure, or both? Where's the location? Is there a demand for people who would want to rent for short term?


Show contributors - Ian McBain, Ian Morton, Adrian Taylor, Lee Pemberton.

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