Previous Episode: WT005: Wealth Mindset

On episode 005 Kevin and Christian discussed the importance of thinking like an entrepreneur when it comes to building wealth. In this episode they share their favourite online tool, Wealth Dynamics, which you can use to uncover your natural entrepreneur profile type and learn for yourself what activities you should be focusing on more in order to get into your natural state of flow: a state where tasks come easiest to you, and where you can deliver greatest value to others.

In this episode of WealthTalk, Christian and Kevin discuss:

What is the Wealth Dynamics Assessment and how can it help you to become more valuable to the team around youThe 4 different entrepreneurial energy’s - Dynamo / Blaze / Tempo / SteelThe importance of creating the right balance within a team so that each person is given responsibility for the tasks they are most naturally suited to [which is not always the case!]How Wealth Dynamics can be used to identify your weak spots and then connect with others who love doing the things which you don’t enjoy so much, developing your entrepreneurial team


Links and a full transcription of this episode can be found at

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