When you have a calling, or a mission to get your message out there, social media has many great platform options. Podcasting is quickly becoming one of the best social medians to share your message, teach people about your passion or just help grow your business. However, it does take a large commitment. Perhaps as much, or more, as starting a business. We all want success, but at what price? Listen in as WTR interviews Carey Green, of https://podcastfasttrack.com/ (Podcast Fast Track,) about podcasting and balancing work with your life so you can reach success and happiness.

http://www.careygreen.com/ (Carey Green )

[email protected]
http://podcastification.com/ (Podcastification Podcast)
http://www.podcastfasttrack.com/ (Podcast Fast Track)
http://www.livebuildchange.com/ (Live Build Change)
https://www.linkedin.com/in/careyngreen/ (LinkedIn)
https://www.facebook.com/careyngreen (Facebook)
https://twitter.com/careyngreen (Twitter)

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[0:00] Wealth tactic Rebels. Ingenious tactics to accumulate wealth, for people who see things differently.
[0:14] Welcome to another entrepreneur interview with well static Rebels the podcast for people see things differently,
I'm your host Kevin Dumont and I've been seeing things differently in the 10 years now.
Today I'm joined by a guess Carrie green hi Carrie how are you today it's a wonderful day it is fantastic we've been having some.
[0:41] Pretty crazy weather and it looks like it's finally turning around,
yeah that's Springtime anywhere it seems like I was beginning to wonder if we were going to have that Springtime but so Carey is an avid entrepreneur was a pastor for 20 years,
geology with the the church and,
eventually he decided he want to go into business for himself as an entrepreneur but really I can't give you the details on that but carry certainly can so,
would you mind sharing with our listeners today a little bit about where we started and how you got to where you did.
Yeah absolutely well I grew up in the Panhandle area of Texas.
Very much a rural kind of setting small-town hard-working Blue Collar family.
I just didn't really know going into high school and college what I was going to do was offer to,
a music scholarship so I I just took it and started a bit a degree in what was called music business at the time and my best guess at the time was that I was going to,
do some studio recording an audio production in that kind of thing a little did I know a different a different version of that would be on my Horizon Way Down the Road.
[1:56] Huge huge portion of my life after getting out of college,
was in the Ministries mentioned I was a pastor small churches for 20 plus years everything for me youth pastor to an associate pastor to lead teaching pastor and really really enjoyed that work.
Oh absolutely very rewarding also very challenging and a lot of things that you get into with with people that you know life's messy and it's it's not something that that we can always cancel order on it's always good to have
pasta roller or clergy type help to come alongside it turned out turned out after that that 20 year. That.
Weirdest feeling weaving election weirdest feeling that that calling was kind of departing you it just wasn't the same passion for we used to it,
it's definitely a realm where I filled your heart has to be in it in order to serve people will and so,
I kind of arranged things so that the elders in the church there could could come to pick up where I left off after about six months we would transition out.
And I really had no idea what I was going to do but I definitely felt just from a sense of conscience I couldn't just stay there and.
Bring in a paycheck just because I needed a paycheck I needed to to let the church move on and and I would do the same.
[3:16] And so in the meantime I've begun a podcast of my own about marriage and family issues from a Christian perspective and so I know a little bit about

When you have a calling, or a mission to get your message out there, social media has many great platform options. Podcasting is quickly becoming one of the best social medians to share your message, teach people about your passion or just help grow your business. However, it does take a large commitment. Perhaps as much, or more, as starting a business. We all want success, but at what price? Listen in as WTR interviews Carey Green, of Podcast Fast Track, about podcasting and balancing work with your life so you can reach success and happiness.

Carey Green 

[email protected]
Podcastification Podcast
Podcast Fast Track
Live Build Change

Read Full Transcript


[0:00] Wealth tactic Rebels. Ingenious tactics to accumulate wealth, for people who see things differently.

[0:14] Welcome to another entrepreneur interview with well static Rebels the podcast for people see things differently,

I'm your host Kevin Dumont and I've been seeing things differently in the 10 years now.

Today I'm joined by a guess Carrie green hi Carrie how are you today it's a wonderful day it is fantastic we've been having some.

[0:41] Pretty crazy weather and it looks like it's finally turning around,

yeah that's Springtime anywhere it seems like I was beginning to wonder if we were going to have that Springtime but so Carey is an avid entrepreneur was a pastor for 20 years,

geology with the the church and,

eventually he decided he want to go into business for himself as an entrepreneur but really I can't give you the details on that but carry certainly can so,

would you mind sharing with our listeners today a little bit about where we started and how you got to where you did.

Yeah absolutely well I grew up in the Panhandle area of Texas.

Very much a rural kind of setting small-town hard-working Blue Collar family.

I just didn't really know going into high school and college what I was going to do was offer to,

a music scholarship so I I just took it and started a bit a degree in what was called music business at the time and my best guess at the time was that I was going to,

do some studio recording an audio production in that kind of thing a little did I know a different a different version of that would be on my Horizon Way Down the Road.

[1:56] Huge huge portion of my life after getting out of college,

was in the Ministries mentioned I was a pastor small churches for 20 plus years everything for me youth pastor to an associate pastor to lead teaching pastor and really really enjoyed that work.

Oh absolutely very rewarding also very challenging and a lot of things that you get into with with people that you know life's messy and it's it's not something that that we can always cancel order on it's always good to have

pasta roller or clergy type help to come alongside it turned out turned out after that that 20 year. That.

Weirdest feeling weaving election weirdest feeling that that calling was kind of departing you it just wasn't the same passion for we used to it,

it's definitely a realm where I filled your heart has to be in it in order to serve people will and so,

I kind of arranged things so that the elders in the church there could could come to pick up where I left off after about six months we would transition out.

And I really had no idea what I was going to do but I definitely felt just from a sense of conscience I couldn't just stay there and.

Bring in a paycheck just because I needed a paycheck I needed to to let the church move on and and I would do the same.

[3:16] And so in the meantime I've begun a podcast of my own about marriage and family issues from a Christian perspective and so I know a little bit about the audio editing side of things and all of that.

[3:28] It is in making that transition away.

[3:32] I was Country Lansing helping a few people do some editing on their podcast one of those guys said to me.

You should make a business out of this and it was a real light bulb moment for me right it just took on a life of its own in the sense of.

A shing a way that I can add value to people in a real area of need.

Because I knew I knew how painful it could be to edit your own podcast and put everything together and all the behind-the-scenes work it really is a and effort

Texas early history most most content creators are podcast love getting the content created,

what are the administrative stuff a pretty good together and getting it out of the world is it's kind of a hassle so we we found a little niche there and started building a business.

You a few clients turned into 10 and 10 turned into 20 and now we're.

[4:25] Somewhere between 40 and 50 clients per month that we're dealing with on a regular basis have a small team that that helps me serve those clients and have a great esteem I love everybody who's on my my staff,

yeah that's really where I am now along that path I've done some other things on the internet online courses things like that to bring in trouble as well so there's all kinds of things that I could speak about in that realm but I'll leave it there for now.

So how long have you been doing the eat the podcasting business now.

We started in 2013 so at this point you know we're looking at right around five years,

Taco you really committed mention about starting a business with with little to no resources could you talk to her while talk to grab a little bit about the reality of a building a business with little or no resources.

[5:25] Yeah absolutely I first of all would say it mean it sounds almost like an impossibility that you can build something from nothing and,

I guess it's not it's not really true to say that you have nothing you have your creativity you have hustle you have a scrappiness about you that you can apply to getting something off the ground and that's really what I had to do,

Bright Day win the education that's available out there on the internet especially is so valuable, I learned.

Business tactics I learned even improve my audio editing skills and learn writing skills and learn graphic arts degree.

Call from free resources that are on YouTube or are different channels that you can find and so it can be done building a business from scratch but it's not an easy Road lot of hard work you have to make trade-offs,

I remember early on.

[6:22] There were many evenings where I would say goodnight to the family at nine 9:30 and I would go into my office and,

just crank away for two or three hours at various things that I knew were going to build the business and it was it was a hard time with lots of low sleep nights in.

Yes or sacrifices had to be made but in my mind it's part of paying the price of building something that you know in the future is going to bring back a reward.

[6:50] It's not it's not at all the microwave mentality that we we all seem to have that we want to do a little bit of work and get a lot of reward or I'm it's not that it just doesn't work that way,

you just have to have confidence though that if you found a niche that is one you could truly serve well that your Works going to pay off and there's a lot of nuances how you go about doing that I learned along the way,

and have share any details about any of that that that intrigues you sure yeah yeah.

Yeah well one of the things is I remembered back in the early days reading and learning a lot from podcast and different things that you needed to have a very clear offering for your business in my case of service business.

You need to be able to position it in a unique way with a new market and I understood the logic behind those things but I didn't really know how to go about doing it,

bright really for me turned into just a trial and error sort of the thing.

We put things out there in the way the seems smart but then you know the lack of response or or even sometimes I push back from clients or others,

would bring something to light that all that's not the best way to say that or you just make changes that you go.

[8:14] I guess I would encourage anybody who's considering starting a business don't feel like you got to have everything nailed down at the beginning before you can pull the trigger.

Did you get to change internet.

Can be very forgiving in that way you know so so that's one of those nuances that I discovered in that right down to your branding and your logo and your.

You're messaging and all of that can modify and change over time you just you just keep getting better as you go on.

[8:46] And then you know the whole team building aspect that Dad is still a challenge it's always a challenge to find,

the right people who see the division for the company the same way you do who have the same commitment to clients or customers the way that you do who are,

willing to work alongside you as you build a business sometimes not for as much pain as they could be sitting elsewhere but but because they believe in what you're doing they're ready to invest and come along for the Long Haul,

that's hard is all hard work and it takes constant tweaking.

Because you never really nail it down in a way that works 100% of the time you've always got to go to be on the move in and changing things to change.

Whatever the trends are going on in Imagine with podcasting that include socially to piss podcasting is very socially based yeah definitely.

[9:38] Yeah definitely and there's there's ways for podcasters in particular to expand their reach by.

Kind of counter-intuitively reaching out to others who podcast about the same things they do and building relationships because the way I've come to look at it and see is really true is that no matter what Niche you're in.

The pie is big enough for everybody to have an adequate source of listeners clients whatever it is you're trying to gain from your podcast that's so,

helping each other build your Audience by sharing your audiences with each other usually is a very good gameplay,

goodbye goodbye so.

I just kind of long those lines could you maybe expand on why you feel at this time the podcasting is perhaps the greatest social media.

I love podcasting for a number of reasons I think first of all it's is truly a unique medium in the sense that there's no gatekeeper to tell you you can't,

speak about whatever you want to speak about right that also can be a curse because there are definitely believe their messages going on in the world that are worth being put out into the world because there,

double headed there filled with that discrimination or whatever they're supposed to say all kinds of things that could fall into that category.

[11:00] And so those who are doing it for the right reasons and doing it well I've got to be really good at it and get better as they go in,

cream podcast is is unique as well in the sense that it's a very intimate sort of a medium where you get to spend and it just say your average listener listens for 30 minutes per week,

can you publish podcast every week when you get to spend 30 minutes of,

very private time with that individual me cuz if you think about it very few people listen to a podcast with others Private Practice they're doing alone with an earbud

in your ear and in you as a podcaster getting to speak directly to them and it is not just a random person it's a person who has self-selected you.

As one of the resources that they want to speak into their life about the subject so that's a very privileged place and that's a very powerful place as well especially as your number lister's begins grow.

[12:01] I want client for example who.

I am Insurance to another client who is coming on board with us that this particular client has about 10,000 listeners per episode.

He publishes three three episodes a week.

/ 30,000 download this client who is coming on but making a really good point he said,

does not influence,

do become very devoted and very much advocates for the way that you see the world not everybody has that level of success it depends on your niche in the audience,

his podcast honestly landed at a time in history when the subject he was talking about were very popular right now so that helps him get the ball rolling as well.

[12:58] It's a it's an incredible medium that's that's what I think is only going to grow.

It was interesting to I I talk to someone recently who has a restaurant and they felt that.

If it wasn't for social media and podcasting they're not sure they could have survived.

[13:18] That just loud speaks to the power of what social media does today in the part that plays in people's businesses.

Absolutely anything you think about the way the average consumer goes about making purchasing decisions,

they will usually do that online maybe they don't do the final purchase online but they definitely are researching and finding out the details about the various options.

[13:43] They are from the last time I saw your doing 75 to 85% of their product information gathering.

Without ever talking to a person at a company who sells that product,

that is a huge chain from what used to happen used to have to go to the company and talk to a Salesman to get all the details,

it's a social media plays into that in a huge way,

because people will go and get reviews from friends or ask for for people's opinion about a company and things like that and some of the stats show that those things factor in war,

as to whether someone buys a particular product or service then even if the features of the product itself,

it's really amazing to recognize the power that social media can have if it's done right and,

I think podcasting goes along with that you don't want to be the guy who's on social media saying hey I have a podcast list of Joyce listening to that person,

right right you got to go and you got to add value and you got to show interest in the people that are that are around in the community,

and then offer you podcast as a resource when it's appropriate.

[14:57] What in chocolate is your experiences in building businesses that is the social media presence so would you say that,

someone who is looking to start business for themselves should leverage social media and or podcasting.

I get exposure for your business it's not always the the just blasted out their thing and get more people to see it approach that works.

You want to make sure that you're you're finding the people who would be interested in your particular product or service you know you go to the go to the communities online where they hang out you find out.

What they talk about what they're interested in how your product relates to those things and you bring things up in subtle ways after you've built relationships and you you start,

building that the foundation of of likability and trustworthiness so that when people come to the point they're ready to make a decision about purchasing something along the lines of what you provide.

They've actually got someone a relationship with you and they feel like they can trust you.

[16:11] Are the quick question for you you made mention.

Earlier when you talk about you getting going with podcasting how you would say goodnight to your family in and then go do some more.

[16:22] So I'm assuming you have some she could experience with trying to balance a family life while trying to start a business could you talk a little bit more about that you know what your experiences with that.

Is that it's I think it's a question that might be in a lot of people's minds and how am I going to have life my family whatever else it is why I'm trying to do business think that's one of the most important questions that you can ask.


the thing that's going to last is not the money it's not the success it's your relationships that's what's going to last and that's what's most important is she going to make sure you're not sacrificing those on the altar of success,

I heard too many Stellar business successful people who have expressed regret about that issue.

It's so you know I wouldn't win any of your listeners to be enough out so some of the things I've found helpful is number one.

[17:17] Make sure that you're on the same page with your spouse about the business you don't have conversations about the level of commitment required to make it happen.

Are the degree of sacrifice that's going to take from both of you or what it means for family time things like that and then having said that.

At the same time carving out the necessary time needed to ensure that you're doing what you can to keep those relationships healthy,

show my wife name for example after having all those conversations decided Well in light of the sacrifice that I'm going to have to make to build this business for example.

[17:53] We need to have this amount of time every day to sit down and talk,

to get on a heart level to understand where each other's at 2 to know what's going on not only in business but in life so that everybody is feeling cared for and loved and nurtured.

And if you get too far into your business without having those conversations.

Somebody's going to start feeling neglected some is going to start feeling like they're not as high a priority as the business is and that only adds,

stress and its effects of having another business is the only motivation for doing that we should want to do that just because it's the right thing to do is care for the people in your life.

But that the foundation of family is just so powerful so you got to work that out with your spouse what does that look like for us and what do the kids need and what is it was a spouse need and how can you fit that in.

It often will cause you to kind of extend your time frame on reaching certain business goals because you just don't have as much time to dedicate to it as you might like.

[19:04] But...

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