What’s stopping you? What’s getting in your way of achieving happiness and wealth success? Maybe you blame your luck. Maybe you blame your boss. Maybe you think you don’t deserve it. Maybe you think it’s 1 of hundreds of things outside of your control. The truth is, it’s your mindset. The good news, you can improve your emotional resilience and improve your relationships, happiness, business success and wealth. Join WTR and Kim Ades, President and Founder of https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/ (Frame of Mind Coaching), as we discuss the importance of your frame of mind and how you can use proven tactics to have a healthy and wealthy mindset.

Ingenious tactics to accumulate wealth, for people who see things differently.

Kim Ades

[email protected]

https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/ (Frame of Mind Coaching)

https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimades/ (LinkedIn)

https://www.facebook.com/FOMcoaching/ (Facebook)

https://twitter.com/kimades (Twitter)

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeeJ8fSIjJNk5e8esyUTraQ (YouTube)


Kevin: Our guest, Kim, founder of https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/ (Frame of Mind Coaching) and super mom

Kim: Always interested in leaders and what separates leaders and top performers for the rest of the world

Years ago was a serial entrepreneur, owned software company that build assessments that helped companies make better hiring decisions

This was before assessments were popular

When looking to hire people, what should you be looking at to predict their performance

Tested thousands of people

Key characteristic that was most effective: emotional resilience

Emotional resilience is a person’s ability to bounce back from adversity with speed and agility, and even turn that adversity into an advantage

Sold that company and got hired as VP of marketing for coaching company

Their mandate was to help people live extraordinary lives

That’s for me!

How they coached:

Helped business leaders create business plans with several manageable components

On weekly or bi-weekly basis their coach would hold them accountable

Something bothered me about that

People know how to create plans, but what is stopping them from executing the plan? What’s stopping them? What’s getting in their way?

Why do people struggle with weight loss?

Why do people struggle to become wealthy?

What’s really going on? What’s at play

It’s not that people don’t know what they need to do. It’s something is interfering with their ability to get it done

It has to do with:

Their upbringing

Their perspective

What they think they are capable of

What they think they deserve

It really has to do with their emotional resilience

If I can create a coaching company that helps people build up their emotional resilience, handle difficulties when difficulties happen, now I’m setting people up for success. Rather than managing their actions, I’m helping them handle life. I decided I can do this a little bit better. So I created Frame of Mind Coaching 15 years ago

Some of the best ideas are born from that, “I think I can do something better.”

Kevin: Speaking of mindset, my Son has ADHD. Because today we understand mindset of kids with ADHD schools can gear curriculum, teachers can be geared towards child’s learning. I struggled in school because no one know about this. But now my son does not struggle.

Kim; While we’ve made some strides in education, we are eons away from where we could be.

Truth is, a lot of the way school is structured is not aligned with the way people learn best. It’s not engaging students

When you look at what’s wrong with school:

We’re not

Engaging students


Hands on


Teaching them things that they will use so readily

But I could talk for hours about this. It’s a whole...

What’s stopping you? What’s getting in your way of achieving happiness and wealth success? Maybe you blame your luck. Maybe you blame your boss. Maybe you think you don’t deserve it. Maybe you think it’s 1 of hundreds of things outside of your control. The truth is, it’s your mindset. The good news, you can improve your emotional resilience and improve your relationships, happiness, business success and wealth. Join WTR and Kim Ades, President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching, as we discuss the importance of your frame of mind and how you can use proven tactics to have a healthy and wealthy mindset.

Ingenious tactics to accumulate wealth, for people who see things differently.

Kim Ades

[email protected]

Frame of Mind Coaching






Kevin: Our guest, Kim, founder of Frame of Mind Coaching and super mom
Kim: Always interested in leaders and what separates leaders and top performers for the rest of the world
Years ago was a serial entrepreneur, owned software company that build assessments that helped companies make better hiring decisions

This was before assessments were popular

When looking to hire people, what should you be looking at to predict their performance

Tested thousands of people
Key characteristic that was most effective: emotional resilience

Emotional resilience is a person’s ability to bounce back from adversity with speed and agility, and even turn that adversity into an advantage
Sold that company and got hired as VP of marketing for coaching company

Their mandate was to help people live extraordinary lives

That’s for me!

How they coached:

Helped business leaders create business plans with several manageable components
On weekly or bi-weekly basis their coach would hold them accountable

Something bothered me about that

People know how to create plans, but what is stopping them from executing the plan? What’s stopping them? What’s getting in their way?
Why do people struggle with weight loss?
Why do people struggle to become wealthy?
What’s really going on? What’s at play

It’s not that people don’t know what they need to do. It’s something is interfering with their ability to get it done
It has to do with:

Their upbringing
Their perspective
What they think they are capable of
What they think they deserve
It really has to do with their emotional resilience

If I can create a coaching company that helps people build up their emotional resilience, handle difficulties when difficulties happen, now I’m setting people up for success. Rather than managing their actions, I’m helping them handle life. I decided I can do this a little bit better. So I created Frame of Mind Coaching 15 years ago
Some of the best ideas are born from that, “I think I can do something better.”
Kevin: Speaking of mindset, my Son has ADHD. Because today we understand mindset of kids with ADHD schools can gear curriculum, teachers can be geared towards child’s learning. I struggled in school because no one know about this. But now my son does not struggle.
Kim; While we’ve made some strides in education, we are eons away from where we could be.
Truth is, a lot of the way school is structured is not aligned with the way people learn best. It’s not engaging students
When you look at what’s wrong with school:

We’re not

Engaging students
Hands on
Teaching them things that they will use so readily

But I could talk for hours about this. It’s a whole ‘nother subject
Kevin: talk more about how mindset of people can keep them stuck in a position and not achieve their true success
Kim: Whatever your life situation is, that’s a function of your thinking.
some listening may be thinking “well that’s not true.”

It’s not my fault I’m in this situation. I just grew up in this situation.

Yes. But it’s your thinking that kept you there.
Your life as you see it is a reflection of your thinking, what you believe to be possible
If you think it’s impossible to be wealthy, you’re right
If you think wealthy people are self-absorbed, selfish and greedy, who wants to be that. So that ideology is keeping you away from wealth.
So the way you think about money is reflected in the money you have
Where does that come from?
Growing up, your parents gave you some ideologies of how they felt about money.
You may have accepted or rejected it, but your philosophy of money started there
Then you were exposed to other people. You looked at what they had and how they had it. You came up with your perspective on wealth that is reflected in what you have today.
So how you think will effect what you achieve. Doesn’t matter if it’s in the area of money, work relationships etc, the way you think is directly responsible for what you achieve
Kevin: the mind is a powerful tool
When I was younger, teacher said whatever you think, what you project, that’s what will happen. That’s what will become
Kim: That’s right
We say it like this, “what you focus on, grows.”
What we tend to do is collect evidence to support that belief

If you think life is hard and wealth is hard to come by

You see, here’s another bill
You see, this guy is making it but not me
You see, This guy got a promotion and I didn’t
You see, here’s another sale I didn’t get
You see, here’s a bunch of expenses I didn’t expect
You see, life is hard for me

It’s not placing blame.

It’s like if I said most cars are white. Now you start noticing white cars when you weren’t thinking of it before. There aren’t more white cars than other cars. But because you’re looking for them, you believe it to be true.

Kevin: Mind sees in pictures
Kim: the mind sees in pictures and plays tricks on you
We talked about risk. A lot of people miss asses risk because it plays tricks on you
A lot of people way they would rather die than speak publicly.
Truth is there’s no risk at all
Yet we perceive it that way
Do you want to give that example of risk from earlier about buying a car?
Kevin: There’s 2 ways to pay for a car, use your money or use someone else’s money (a loan)
Something could happen and you could lose the car.
If you used your money, now you’re out the money and the car

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