Listen in as host David Mandell speaks to returning guest plastic surgeon Dr. Jonathan Kaplan about adding a weight loss program to a medical practice – both for the patient’s health and happiness and the practice’s economics.

Jonathan begins the discussion with an overview of the current popular weight loss medications Ozempic/Wegovy (semaglutide) and Mounjaro/Zepbound (tirzepatide) and how they work. He then explains how his practice began consideration of a weight loss program for patients – because of both BMI limitations of patients who wanted surgery and due to suggestions from practice staff.

David and Jonathan then delve into the various elements a physician must consider when evaluating and then implementing a weight loss program for this/her patients., including how to scale it as a subscription business model.

The podcast concludes with a discussion of how the same business process of evaluating and implementing a weight loss program could be applied by a physician to other modalities, including hormone replacement, IV therapy, cosmetic therapies and more.

Learn more, incluing key takeaways and insights, as well as being able to listen to this and past episodes by visiting