It's a new year and you know what that means, D Lovers. That's right, it's the World Junior Ice Hockey Championships, which happens every year around this time - a fact that certainly did not require a trip to Wikipedia to confirm while writing this episode description, no sir. And it certainly wasn't prompted by any sort of need to justify our choice to tackle one of the great (in memory if not reality) Disney sports movies - THE MIGHTY DUCKS. As Canadian a movie can possibly be while still taking place in Minnesota, it's all your favourite actors from Heavy Weights and a future resident of a certain creek being coached by EMILIOOOOOOO in a classic underdog tale. It's the poorly equipped kids led by a man with a shocking number of moving violations versus an elite squad of pretty shitty children led by a victory-obsessed senior who has been coaching the same peewee team for what must be two decades. A match-up equal to the Canadians vs the Soviets if there ever was one!