Superhero fatigue is real, D Lovers. Comic book movies have reach peak saturation in recent years, so you can't throw a rock without hitting a poster for a masked and/or caped crusader's latest adventure. Vicky, Nolan and Jill can tell you one thing, though - we'd probably take 1,000 more modern superhero movies if it means never have to watch Disney's CONDORMAN ever again. Is it a spoof? Is it a comedy? Who cares, it's awful. The special effects are abysmal, even for the early 1980s, with wires in plain site. The acting is atrocious, shy of a homicidally method performance from Oliver Reed. The story and script is garbage, with little-to-no rhyme or reason for any of the action in site. We haven't had one this bad that's had our hosts united this much in a long time, so enjoy this good old fashioned hate fest on this week's We Want The D.