'Great' and 'powerful' are not the word we here at We Want The D would use to describe the titular character in this week's movie. 'Swindler' and 'liar,' maybe. 'Selfish,' and 'jerk,' more likely. 'James' and 'Franco,' absolutely. It's very frustrating when dealing with a movie that stars a character so irredeemably awful, a guy who we would say is a magician's outfit shy of being one of those weird pick-up artists; except that he actually is a magician. It's especially grating when the potential for an actual good movie is somewhere buried in all the muck. If only they had spent more time developing and focusing on Mila Kunis' mentally fragile Wicked Witch; if only they didn't spend so much time trying to show off 3D film making that would be irrelevant the second the movie left theatres; if only they cast an actor who could inject some much-needed charm into the lead role. There's quite a bit of wishful thinking but mostly just a lot of irritation directed at Disney's OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL.