We’re answering listener questions about how to survive the holiday season (we're covering Thanksgiving stress, how to escape the madness, what to do if are overwhelmed, juggling it all, mother-in-laws ruining Christmas, how to cook a great meal without putting in the work, setting boundaries, white Christmas and white lies, and how to bring joy to this wild time of year).  

You're doing great, sweetie!

And, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! We are so appreciative of you and hope you have a great ending to your year.


Where to Find Us:


Find the link on our Instagram to submit to us anonymously, or simply DM us!


Thanks for listening! Please subscribe, leave us a 5-star review, and tell a friend! It really helps us grow beyond the 2 of us. 😆

Torie & Kelly

Just a quick disclaimer, that while T’s a therapist, and we’ll be discussing mental health topics on the show, this podcast is NOT therapy or a substitute for therapy. This pod is just for fun, and if you are needing some extra support, we really encourage you to a contact a licensed therapist near you.