Today's a super chatty episode! We announce our new posting schedule for the remainder of Torie's pregnancy, and talk about: Kylie Jenner (and Travis Scott's, um, comeback?), weird crimes (including Disneyland, a nun, and a Sabrina the Teenage Witch VHS tape), unfollowing people on Instagram, Indian Matchmaking and the Indian caste system, and more!

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Indian Matchmaking (Netflix)
Daughters of Destiny (Netflix)
The Elephant Chaser's Daughter by Shilpa Raj (Featured on Daughters of Destiny)

Where to Find Us:

Email us: [email protected]

Thanks for listening! Please subscribe, leave us a 5-star review, and tell a friend! It really helps us grow beyond the 2 of us. 😆

Torie & Kelly

Just a quick disclaimer, that while T’s a therapist, and we’ll be discussing mental health topics on the show, this podcast is NOT therapy or a substitute for therapy. This pod is just for fun, and if you are needing some extra support, we really encourage you to a contact a licensed therapist near you. Also, all discussions on this podcast are solely for entertainment, and should not be considered facts. Everything is ~alleged~.

*Links to products/resources may be affiliate links*

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