Heather is fresh off announcing the Jingle Bell Run and Cliff is just happy he didn't have to run.

Looking for a way to relax this afternoon with a new Christmas movie? Skip the Hallmark Channel for now, fire up Netflix and watch Klaus ! Cliff thinks this might be his favorite new movie of the year and he desperately wants you to watch it. He gives it 9 out of 10 Elves on a Shelf and it only misses a ten because it's not a "Christmas Classic"...yet.

Have old cookie cutters in your drawer (or looking for a reason to make a Goodwill run?) Heather is going to tell you how to can take your old, less then perfect cookie cutters and turn them into amazing ornaments! It's the perfect activity for a holiday crafternoon.

Finally, you usually think of hot chocolate when you think of the holidays, but sometimes what you really need to make it through the day is coffee. And if you are like Heather, you sometimes need to literally breathe it in. First person to invent a combination Kuerig/sauna is going to make a FORTUNE.