In this Episode, we discuss our shift in focus from dieting and restriction to what we can add into our lives.

We talked about some tips on how to manage or prioritize what to do if you don’t have dieting and exercise at the forefront of your mind any longer and how to wrestle with that change in your body. You can also use our download guide to help you focus how you would like 2020 to begin.

Your kind words on social media and reviews on podcast platforms have encouraged us to continue to “show up” and we can’t wait to see what 2020 brings. We hope you won’t “wait” another year to find freedom!

Want to know more about our We're Not Weighting Group Coaching? Click here to read all about it. 

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Follow us on Instagram and share your "Wait, what?" moments with us. 

Interested in working with us individually? Listeners of our podcast will receive $20 off their initial package. Click here to find out more.