Episode 72 –Teachers Suck – We Only Do One Take Podcast

Its episode 72, we all of a sudden we hate Teachers.
Kieran is on the keto diet, and that has caused him to be extra ranty today. He start off with wiping poo off his face, and then gets on to talking up using baby wipes to wipe his ass. Somehow if becomes a real shit show.
Kieran doubles up on the rants and rants about ride sharing apps; the lack of water bottles, lack of mints and b-o.
Then Turch rants about Teachers. With 10% of teachers not being able to pass a test making shit teachers, and Australian children being worse on the NAPLAN test.
On the flip side, Kieran brings sex robots back to the show. Turch goes on an Alex Jones rant about how the sex robots will be the terminators of the future.
And Turch talks about a CNN host who calls her co-host a gorilla.
Plus a quick chat about the Kieran EP.
All this and more on this week’s episode!

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