Welcome back to the We Only Do One Take Podcast. It is season 2! Holy crap how the hell did we get to season 2?
On this very special start to the season, two guests that we have been wanting to get onto the show for ages; professional Australian cosplayers Cienan and Heidi!
Turch is back with a new rant. As he has returned from his cruise with his family, he is full of vigour and amazingly, he does not rant about family holidays. Instead he rants about entitled people who complain about petty things.
Turch also tells stories of his family, but not really his family, but they still call him family. Quote of the trip, ‘I slepta likea piecea log’
Kieran brings up robot sex dolls again, of course. Apparently, a Spanish man is using a sex dolls to improve his marrage. Turch, Cienan and Heidi all fight for sex robot’s rights for half of the man’s stuff in divorce proceedings. Turch and Kieran freak out their guests by talking about their million dollar idea of a sex doll brothel. Intern Turch has even stated he would just hose down the sex dolls.
Kieran talks about our sponsor, and Heidi discovers that you shouldn’t give pregnant ladies alcohol.
With Cienan and Heidi on the show, the boys dive right into the world of cosplay. The cosplay power duo tell the boys story about how they got into cosplay, how coslaply started and how it has developed in Australia over the last 10 years. They show off all of their cool costumes; how they get their inspiration, how they go about making their costumes and the immense time and cost of the hobby. It is insane!
We even get to talk to them about how they got their costumes in the Melbourne Museum. You must check out the photos and Heidi’s $8,500 dress. Yes you read that right.
Turch quizzes them on their comic book knowledge, and we finally have the hard answers to some of the hardest comic book battles. Cienan and Heidi also share the Rat-in-the-Hat has a dark past. What a scoop!
Turch tells the story of a woman who was lucky enough to have a bag of cocaine fly into her handbag while she was driving. Sadly she was arrested.
Kieran reviews Ready Player One, but gets caught up talking about Ready Steady Cook. He finally gets back to talking about the film, but focuses on the fact he was hungry.
The show concludes with Heidi and Cienan’s plan for the future. And we even get ANOGTHER SCOOP! You heard it here first!
We also give a shout to Dead City Ruins for their album Never Say Die which is going to be released on the 13th April 2018!
And congratulate the Watsonia Bugle on their Shark Week, and what a shark week it was!

Make sure you get on these guys on social media and like their pages! They compete all the time, so the more support they get, the closer they will get to be in the internal championships.

Check out Cienan here:

Check out Heidi here: