In today's episode, let's learn how Brian Unf*cks his mindset which propels his real estate business forward.

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"It's time to take responsibility for the one thing that is holding us ALL back, our jacked-up MINDSET! In order for you to "make it big," or have more money than you've ever imagined you must first change the way you see the world."

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BP started from very humble beginnings. Eldest of 3 and son of immigrant parents from Guatemala. He grew up in South LA and moved to Phoenix Arizona in his teenage years for a better and quieter life.

He was always fascinated by the game of monopoly from an early age and was always interested in getting into Real Estate.

At age 24 he started door-knocking for a Real Estate company before the market crashed.
At age 26 after leaving corporate America for good, he started a bandit sign company with the dollar store hammer and a quarter tank of gas, and never looked back.

By age 32 after wholesaling successfully for many years, he moved into Fixing and Flipping, where he quickly scaled up to doing 15 flips at once.

Since then BP has started building a portfolio of Cashflowing Properties, including a few Multi-Family Apartments. Currently focusing on the Cleveland market.

BP enjoys teaching others about mindset, which beliefs are the key to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

He gives back to his community constantly by coordinating events that help the less fortunate.

He has been asked to speak at many Real Estate events across the country and was even awarded the โ€œForty Under 40โ€ award presented by the Mayor of Phoenix.

BP believes in worsting smarter not harder. He believes in creating business systems and procedures to allow him to do what he loves most... Traveling the world, and spending time with his family!


Make sure to listen to the full episode as he provides us actionable tips and key metrics that will help you along your journey!

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7:30 Sales is about selling yourself and not a product 9:03 Brianโ€™s 1st contact with Real Estate

13:45 How mindset is the ultimate distraction from success

15:05 How a wrong self-perception cost BP a great opportunity of 25%

17:00 The benefits of lessons learned from previous mistakes

26:06 Networking is what BP did to build his business

30:50 Take care of your buyers and they will push you to the next level

36:00 Life and business is very simple hereโ€™s why 37:00 How Bp focused on dispositions

48:00 BP shares how the โ€œGotta Get Itโ€ attitude can cause you to miss opportunities

50:00 Really successful people donโ€™t do all the work themselves

51:30 If the soil isnโ€™t right you will not produce

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๐ˆ๐ง๐ฌ๐ญ๐š๐ ๐ซ๐š๐ฆ: @cashflowcreator



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Enjoy the Real Estate Journey!