In today's episode let's learn about virtual investing with Mom Flips. 

Lauren Hardy is a real estate investor with a “People First” approach to business. Investing in hundreds of properties in her career, Lauren has the unique reputation of being a successful “virtual investor” having not lived in many of the states she’s invested in. Lauren has been able to persevere in
extremely competitive markets by constantly following the market changes and being flexible and willing to move market territories when needed. She currently lives in Southern California with her two daughters but invests in
properties all over the country. 

Listen as Lauren's answered our HOT SEAT questions directly to the point and learn actionable tips,  key metrics that will help you along your journey. Get inspired with this content as it will help expedite your learning.



In this episode you will learn:

5:55 Starting with wholesaling condos in pricey Orange County, Cali 7:15 4 Months to close her 1st Deal 9:15 How to find absentee owners 10:00 1st Deal Struggles 18:00 Making the transition to virtual wholesaling 19:26 Picking the right virtual market 20:45 How her curiosity moved her to become a virtual builder 25:20 How Lauren started raising private capital 31:30 The downside of virtual wholesaling 33:30 Picking a virtual market 40:30 This is what wholesaling is simply 49:00 How to find an educator to help you

Connect with Lauren at

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @thismomflips


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Also, if you want to learn more about real estate wholesaling, feel free to visit my website and youtube channel.  If you get value from the videos and content we’re putting out, please subscribe.


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Enjoy the Real Estate Journey!