Karen Jaw-Madson, based out of the Silicon Valley, is one of the leading advocates, educators and advisors of how businesses build strong, thriving and successful teams who create successful companies (whether you have 1 other person or 1000’s). We dive into “WE Culture” design and definition and how it is the new lens leadership is looking through to win in the market, for themselves and the people who work for them.
She dives into the biggest gap and blind spot in business and leadership today and shares how to create a culture that drives innovation, a foundation of thriving employees has the competitive advantage in the world.
 The top 2 profit and people loss blind spots that over 90% of Founders and leaders have from day one and what are the strategies to overcome them
Culture definition and design: How WE Leaders use it as an asset to drive the best hiring, retention and customer satisfaction
The future-paced “People Strategy” used by the most successful companies in the world
The 3 Keys: Learn, Communicate and Engage: Managing the Change that comes with building a new culture
Thought Leadership around the future of work: how to be best equipped to rise to any challenge and downturn

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About the Guest:
https://www.linkedin.com/in/karenjawmadson/ (Karen Jaw-Madson) is principal of Co.-Design of Work Experience, author of https://www.amazon.com/Culture-Your-Innovating-Experiences-Work/dp/1787438996/ (Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @ Work) (Emerald Group Publishing, 2018), founder of Future of Work platform http://www.anewhr.com/ (A New HR), and instructor at Stanford University’s School of Continuing Studies. She enables decision makers to address organizational challenges that affect business performance, including leadership, company culture, talent optimization, and change management. A former corporate executive, Karen is known as a versatile leader across multiple industries with experience developing, leading, and implementing numerous organizational initiatives around the globe. She has been featured in https://www.inc.com/linda-naiman/is-your-organizations-culture-an-asset-or-a-liability.html (Inc.), https://www.fastcompany.com/90299115/these-companies-are-making-sure-more-women-get-promoted-to-management (Fast Company), http://fortune.com/2019/06/08/workplace-communication-tools/ (Fortune), https://thriveglobal.com/stories/follow-through-on-your-commitments-to-create-a-great-work-culture-with-author-karen-jaw-madson/ (Thrive Global), and Protocol, as well as written for HR publications such as https://blog.hrps.org/blogpost/It-s-More-Than-a-Job-Title-The-Role-of-HR-in-Organizational-Culture (SHRM's HR People+Strategy,) https://www.tlnt.com/design-of-work-experience-a-different-way-of-customizing-the-culture/ (TLNT.com), https://www.designofworkexperience.com/uploads/3/1/5/5/31557755/hr_strategy__planning_excellence_september_2018_copy.pdf (HR.com's HR Strategy & Planning Excellence) magazine, and https://www.designofworkexperience.com/uploads/3/1/5/5/31557755/hr_pro_sept_2018_web4-adj_1.pdf (HR Professional) magazine. Karen has a BA in Ethnic and Cultural Studies from Bryn Mawr College and a MA in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University.
Websites: http://www.designofworkexperience.com/ (www.designofworkexperience.com) and http://www.anewhr.com/ (www.anewhr.com)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/karenJaw (@karenjaw) and https://twitter.com/ANewHR (@anewhr)
Facebook: http://facebook.com/designofworkexperience/ (/designofworkexperience) and https://www.facebook.com/aNewHR/ (/anewhr)
Instagram: http://instagram.com/co.designofworkexp/ (co.designofworkexp) and https://www.instagram.com/a.new.hr/ (a.new.hr)
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/company/co--/ (/company/co--/) and https://www.linkedin.com/company/anewhr/...

Karen Jaw-Madson, based out of the Silicon Valley, is one of the leading advocates, educators and advisors of how businesses build strong, thriving and successful teams who create successful companies (whether you have 1 other person or 1000’s). We dive into “WE Culture” design and definition and how it is the new lens leadership is looking through to win in the market, for themselves and the people who work for them.

She dives into the biggest gap and blind spot in business and leadership today and shares how to create a culture that drives innovation, a foundation of thriving employees has the competitive advantage in the world.

 The top 2 profit and people loss blind spots that over 90% of Founders and leaders have from day one and what are the strategies to overcome themCulture definition and design: How WE Leaders use it as an asset to drive the best hiring, retention and customer satisfactionThe future-paced “People Strategy” used by the most successful companies in the worldThe 3 Keys: Learn, Communicate and Engage: Managing the Change that comes with building a new cultureThought Leadership around the future of work: how to be best equipped to rise to any challenge and downturn

Don't Forget to Download Your Free Gift Now!

About the Guest:

Karen Jaw-Madson is principal of Co.-Design of Work Experience, author of Culture Your Culture: Innovating Experiences @ Work (Emerald Group Publishing, 2018), founder of Future of Work platform A New HR, and instructor at Stanford University’s School of Continuing Studies. She enables decision makers to address organizational challenges that affect business performance, including leadership, company culture, talent optimization, and change management. A former corporate executive, Karen is known as a versatile leader across multiple industries with experience developing, leading, and implementing numerous organizational initiatives around the globe. She has been featured in Inc., Fast Company, Fortune, Thrive Global, and Protocol, as well as written for HR publications such as SHRM's HR People+Strategy, TLNT.com, HR.com's HR Strategy & Planning Excellence magazine, and HR Professional magazine. Karen has a BA in Ethnic and Cultural Studies from Bryn Mawr College and a MA in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University.

Websites: www.designofworkexperience.com and www.anewhr.com

Twitter: @karenjaw and @anewhr

Facebook: /designofworkexperience and /anewhr

Instagram: co.designofworkexp and a.new.hr

LinkedIn: /company/co--/ and /company/anewhr

About the Host:

Alana Fulvio is a 13-time world record-holding Skydiver with over 3500 jumps, an Olympic Development Athlete, ex Silicon Valley in-house Talent, People and Culture Recruiter and Advisor for some of the world’s most successful companies like Linkedin and GoPro, psychic intuitive, podcast host and women’s travel empowerment coach.

In 2014, Alana quit her corporate Silicon Valley career and, after over a year on the road travelling the US alone in her RV as “the soul journeyer”, she founded her company Pendulum, LLC.

Alana now focusses Pendulum on taking her 16+ years and helping leaders and their teams succeed within the biggest profit and people loss gap in business today – People, Culture and Leadership – it is the future of success. Alana is the "People First" Business Strategist, Advisor and Coach who has cracked the code on how to get Culture Design, Hiring, Retention, Employee Performance and Profit right, earlier than ever in history, offering the market simplified solutions to their historically complex problems.

Alana is known for building "WE Cultures": high-performing teams of retained and profit-driven employees with the least spend and time, with the highest ROI with positive employer brands to match.

Alana is an intuit, seer and clairaudient and can read and see breakdowns before pen is put to paper, making her an integral asset to leadership. 

As the WE Leader Movement founder, author/writer, sentient being advocate and active volunteer with various human and animal rights nonprofits in the US and Africa, Alana delivers a differentiating partnership. Alana’s personal culture is grounded in authenticity, collaborative connection, integrity and freedom-based results, giving her clients the upper hand and accelerating their growth both professionally and personally.    


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Phone: 650-393-3924

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