Ways to connect with herInstagram: @dr.alexandra.solomonDr. Solomon’s Website: her Intimate Relationships 101 CourseDr. Solomon’s Intimate Relationships 101 Course Please note: the link to the above course contains an  affiliate link, which means if you use  this link to buy the course, I may earn a commission.Want to check out more of Dr. Solomon’s Work?Books by Dr. SolomonDr. Solomon’s Ted TalkDr. Solomon’s Psychology Today BlogAbout Dr. SolomonProfessionLicensed Clinical Psychologist at The Family Institute at Northwestern University (Licensed in the State of Illinois)Assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Psychology at Northwestern UniversityDegrees/EducationBachelor of Arts in Psychology and Women’s Studies — University of MichiganGraduate certificate in Gender Studies from Northwestern UniversityM.A. in Counseling Psychology — Northwestern UniversityPhD in Counseling Psychology —Northwestern University, graduated 2001WritingAuthor of two books (Books by Dr. Solomon)Blogger for Psychology TodayPublished in peer-reviewed academic journalsServes as an ad hoc reviewer for leading journals like Journal of Marriage and Family Therapy (JMFT) and Family ProcessMedia She is frequently asked to consult with the media on topics related to love, sex, and marriage including O Magazine, Oprah Winfrey Network (#OWNshow), The Today Show, CBS Early Show, The Atlantic, NPR, Huffington Post, Scientific American, New York Times, and Vogue

Podcast Info

A new podcast episode drops every Monday.Music credit: L-Ray Music, Courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.Learn more about your host, Cordelia, by clicking hereBe sure to follow Cordelia on Instagram: @codependentrecoveryWant to help me make this podcast better?  Take an anonymous survey here.


Want access to free resources? Click hereNeed help finding a therapist? Click hereCheck out Cordelia's book recommendations hereDisclosure: Cordelia is an affiliate of and she will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.Are you going through a breakup or divorce?  Here is the link to the 98-page workbook.  Print version + ebook version available worldwide.Want to join the community (i.e., community club or book club)? Click hereInterested in any other affiliate links? Click hereNote: affiliate links mean Cordelia earns a commission if you click through and make a purchase.


Want to learn more about Boundaries?

Access to free worksheets on boundaries? Click hereCheck out prior podcasts that Cordelia did on boundaries:Let's Talk About Boundaries: Part 1.Let's Talk about Boundaries: Part 2.Let's Talk About Setting Boundaries vs Controlling Other People.