Get to Know recipe developer and allergy friendly food blogger Samah Dada of Dada Eats.

Samah grew up in Newport Beach, California and spent part of high school there and in London, England. She says that London is at fault for making her the foodie that she is today – from hole in the wall Indian joints to some of the most incredible Sicilian style pizza she’s ever had, London’s foodscape was transformative for her palate. She eventually moved back to California and attended UC Berkeley where she was completely engulfed by amazing gastronomy. Living and studying so close to a city as amazing as San Francisco, not to mention having access to some of the best food out there (talking to you Chez Panisse, Vik’s Chaat House, Ici Ice Cream, Bi-Rite Creamery…) has made her into a human “Yelp” for her friends and family. Her time at Berkeley solidified her desire to have a more active part in the culinary world. She uses her passion for cooking and baking to create unique, healthy, allergy-friendly, yet still delicious meals and treats for you to enjoy, find the recipes on her blog!

In our interview, Samah talks about her current life living in New York City and working in broadcast television while also pursuing her passion for wellness and recipe development. She even tells us what it was like being a guest on the Today Show! She believes that health and wellness means a scoop of ice cream as much as it does a kale salad. She has developed a love for alternative baking, swapping out flour for grain free options and creating recipes that are dairy free. She is mostly plant based but with balance, she is not giving up her ice cream. Samah was a joy to chat with… her ultimate goal is to host a tv show that is rich in culture, travel and food from a woman’s perspective. Listen in, we know you’ll love hearing her story!

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