This month we've got Kawasaki Z ii 750 Rock & Roll Hammering in our heads so we'll be talking about Japanese Jett Rock & Roll high volume zombie slayers Guitar Wolf & Scottish/American glossy goth pop supergroup Garbage. As usual we can never stay on topic for too long so we'll also be talking about slicing UFO's in half with samurai swords, songs about hunting canadian river dwelling rodents & possibly the best band name origin story we've ever heard. BWUANG!!! EXPLOSION!!!

Find all available songs on our spotify playlist here -

Hosts - Ian Clarke, Colin Jackson-Brown & Tracey B.
Recorded/Edited/Mixed/Original Music by Colin Jackson-Brown for We Dig Podcasts

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We're now part of the We Made This podcast network. Find all our episodes plus other brilliant shows such as We Buy Records, Pick A Disc (Which we're all appearing on in the next few months), Giddy Carousel Of Pop plus Colin and Ian's other podcast Free With This Months Issue and loads more at

You can also find all the We Dig Music & Free With This Months Issue episodes at

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