This month we're exhausted, selfless, cold, and composed and will be talking about North Carolina's virtuoso piano nerd Ben Folds and thoroughly friendly alt rock titans Foo FIghters. As usual we can never stay on topic for long so we'll be talking about stadium rock bands doing stadium rock things in stadiums, Harry Connick Jr goes full on freeform skronk jazz, and Tracey jabbers on about Dean Friedman again.

Find all available songs on our spotify playlist here -

Hosts - Ian Clarke, Colin Jackson-Brown & Tracey B.
Recorded/Edited/Mixed/Original Music by Colin Jackson-Brown for We Dig Podcasts

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We're now part of the We Made This podcast network. Find all our episodes plus other brilliant shows such as We Buy Records, Pick A Disc (Which we're all appearing on in the next few months), Giddy Carousel Of Pop plus Colin and Ian's other podcast Free With This Months Issue and loads more at

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