A school bus is really just a large metal tube with seats built like walls, hiding up to 75 loud children, hiding ungodly things from the sight of the bus driver.  That driver most assuredly is not singing "Move on back" or thinking about the "swish, swish, swish " of the wipers.  Join Lisa and Sue on a harrowing journey back to their memories of bus rides as children and as teachers.

#TheyDontPayMeEnoughForThis, #IGiveUp, #HandsToYourself,
#WhyDoIBotherDressingUp, #WhatItsAllAbout, #LessonPlan, #BathroomBreak, #DanielsonModel, #TryingToBeNice, #StopTheWorldIWantToGetOff, #WeDidntKnow, #WeDidntKnowWhatWeDidntKnow, #StressedTeacher, #funny,
#NiceTry #StillFail #elementaryHumor, #DoAsISayNotAsIDo , #AForEffort, #IsItSummerYet, #ImHip #CoolTeacher, #WhyIsThisSticky, #ClassPets

Please contact us with comments or questions at [email protected]. We will be so thrilled when someone FINALLY emails us!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SueandLisa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wedidntknowpodcast/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgpsWcy93XJpleqVCML4IBQ

Thanks for listening! -Sue and Lisa

#teacherlife #teachersofinstagram #teacher #iteach #teachers #iteachtoo #funnyteacherstories #education #teaching #school #teach #teacherstyle #classroom #teacherretirement #teachertribe #learning #teacherproblems #students #elementaryteacher #primaryteacher #cryingteachers #elementary #thirdgrade #fourthgrade #fifthgrade #cryinginmycar #teacherfunny #ageism #proudtoteach #teachermamas #recessduty