Stationed in Japan, a submarine officer, and owns about 360 units in the US? Yup. That’s our guest in this episode, Anthony Pinto. Like many investors and operators, Anthony started investing in the real estate business without any idea of how to do it. To make up for this, he read books like Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Set for Life by Scott Trench while working in a submarine. This opened up doors for him and with the help of an investor-friendly realtor, Anthony began his journey in real estate.

Listen in as John and Anthony talk about the tricks of the trade as well as their experiences in multi-family real estate which you might, as a budding investor, find handy in your personal path to success.


Episode Highlights:

House Hacking Raising Capital Capital Raising Strategies Military Investor Standpoint Regulation A+ Fund Groundbreaker Remote Real Estate Investment


Connect with Anthony:

FaceBook  LinkedIn  Pinto Capital Investments Website  Email 


About Our Guest:

Owns and manages Pinto Capital Investments (PCI), a real estate investment firm focused on acquiring affordable and workforce multifamily properties and apartment buildings through syndications. Since 2019, we have gone full cycle on 2 large apartment complexes (+100 units) with IRR in excess of 85%.

Anthony partners with other like-minded syndicators and focus on apartment communities in desirable markets that show a predictable path of progress. We also offer our capital investors incredible, double-digit returns, equity ownership and tax benefits through our multifamily syndications.



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