An architect by trade, Tina Thomas first became a Real Estate Investor before she moved to the design side full-time. She uses design to help investors bring business to a different level.

She is very passionate to help investors grow their business through her design styles and techniques. Functionality is always at the top of her priority while ensuring to maintain edge on the beauty side. She has the skill to find that good blending spot of beauty and design without sacrificing functionality.

Listen to this good exchange of knowledge between Tina and john!

Episode Highlights:

Importance of Interior and Exterior Design Functionality of Design to Increase Value of Property Phases of Design Processes Adjusting and Modifying Designs Based on Budget Softwares and Tools Used for Concept and Design Importance of Establishing Good Relationship Between your Investors and Contractors Understanding Scope of Work Trending Interior and Exterior Designs

Connect with Tina:

Tina Thomas Designs Website  Facebook Page  LinkedIn  Email 

About Our Guest:

Tina Thomas practiced commercial architecture and grew frustrated with the assembly line approach to projects (one group works on design, another group works on the construction documents, etc). She understand this works from the firm's perspective, but it just didn't work for her.  Tina would get these lofty designs, knowing full well it was out of budget, but had to do the drawings anyway, and then of course, do them again when the clients had their heart attacks from the price.

“I don't believe design has to be $$$$ to be great.  Every project deserves great design, no matter the value.  It's about being creative and working within a budget. “ - Tina Thomas

She became a real estate investor in 2016, but slowly transitioned into doing design full time, working with real estate investors on their multi and single family projects.

Along the way, she have had several questions regarding the process of working with a designer.  She feel there is a misconception with designers.  It's like as soon as you say it, money starts pouring out of your pocket.  The point of hiring a designer is to help you SAVE money.  How is that you ask?  Knowing the budget from the beginning, a plan can be put in place so that there aren't last minute purchases, things forgotten and time wasted.  In addition, we know the best places to spend money so you can sign new tenants quickly or to put on the market for a faster sell.  A successful project is when you can minimize your time in the renovating process and get the most out of it.  NOI/ROI is where it's at and our job is to increase those numbers through design.


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