In this episode, Stephen Munday (Chief Executive, The Cam Academy Trust; Executive Principal, Comberton Village College & President of The Chartered College of Teaching), shares his thoughts on:

In his interview, Stephen shares his thoughts on:

How a cup of tea with his Mum’s friend was the catalyst to becoming the President of the Chartered College of Teaching His purpose and what he finds deeply inspiring about teaching Which role in a school prepares you well for becoming a headteacher What you need to keep reminding yourself as a headteacher The biggest thing he has learned about headship The biggest challenge of his career and how he overcame it The moral duty that led to his school becoming a multi-academy trust What he welcomes about changes to the Ofsted framework What he questions about changes to the Ofsted Framework How schools can reduce the problems with exclusions The question school leaders need to ask themselves to reduce workload The best CPD he’s ever done How to get external support when needs can’t be met in-house How to judge the quality of external CPD How the Chartered College can solve the budget crisis How schools can ensure they ring-fence enough money for investing in professional development Tips for schools on how to balance the books How he’s using technology to make professional development more scalable and accessible across the trust The one question he would ask every headteacher in the country if he could Why he is optimistic about the future of education and the role the Chartered College has to play What one ‘less positive’ student shouted as Ofsted approached the school to begin an inspection

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Join the conversation. Stephen isn’t on social media and Twitter is the poorer for it. But I know that @AlisonMPeacock and @JoeTreacy would love to hear from you about his interview. You can also tweet @CharteredColl and me @NiallAlcock. We’d love to know what you think.

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