How we ship every weekDeciding not to launch a Sword & Source podcast... yetThe risk of recurring content commitments How long it takes to make an episode of Null to Zero podcastHow much time should you spend on marketing? Should you be marketing products that are themselves marketing products? Adam may be short-selling his next project Here Be Taverns. It is launching Jan.22.The power of twitch streamers as top of funnel in the games industry.LoreCraft Twitch channel.[23:00] Adam asks Brandon to walk through all his upcoming project ideas and help him evaluate risk.Adam's custom idea validation template.Discussion of Lean Canvas[32:00] Adam runs through every idea on his shortlistProject: "Actual Play" highlight reelProject: Ebook for Dev ManagersProject: PlayByPost engine for keeping people engaged with the gameProject: RPG Character Graveyard Project: Print on Demand CardsProject: Stock Art Site for RPGsWe love Unsplash