Fundraising update on Codex🎉 Brandon is structuring an LOI (Letter of Intent) for Codex.Adam is back in his groove. Discusses a slump he has been in recently.Alpha readers have delivered their feedback on The Quickstart Guide to Game MasteringAdam reviews the launch phases for the guide and his rationale.Adam walks through his current build of the Guide.Plan for scaling the guide to other game systems IF the project has traction.Brandon advertises the Holloway guides again.The surprising quality of the alpha readers and what they taught Adam.Musing on a spin-off project for Game Master "Case Studies".Adam shares how his reflection on the need to ship fast lead him to his next idea for revenue. Realizes the potential for Here Be TavernsWalks through his idea to add a premium offering to Here Be Taverns.The complexity of user login and payments. Lot's of people selling products around just that problem. Adam was approached by tons of people in Twitter DMs.Adam sidesteps all the work and complexity by deciding to just ship a password to access the site.