Certain laws restrict what you can say about fundraising.Fundraising is going really well. Brandon gives it a score of 13/10.Line tracking in VSCode gets tricky when the file is in an 'edited' state.Waiting list of 20 teams for Codex.Comparing the fintech whitepaper that Dignified created with the one that Accenture created.The rationale for creating an in-depth whitepaper on fintech.How to leverage a whitepaper when Dignified has moved past its original goal.The "reverse pyramid" content strategy.Considering the Quickstart Guide to Game Mastering as a content pillar.Trust signals matter. "Badges are unreasonably effective" in marketplaces."Dignified" the agency is a brand that Brandon has built up but now they are shifting all their energy to Codex. How do you make a decision to let go of that kind of asset?The compounding effect of focusing in one market as a solo founder. This makes it hard to consider projects in other markets - even when they are promising.The difficulty of starting at 0 with no audience or distribution.The power of building relationships in a market. How it helped launch the Quickstart Guide to Game Mastering.Why so many technical founders make dev tools.The big vision of Codex.Adam is heads down on building a Town generator for Here Be TavernsAdam writing a couple guest posts to promote the guide.Breakdown of the launch of the Quickstart Guide to Game Mastering.When all was said and done, the guide was not as well received as Here Be Taverns.Considering who the addressable market is for the Guide vs HBT.What the data suggests about reader behaviour on the guide.Starting to think about marketing strategy for Sword & Source products. Sales for HBT have slowed down significantly.The same old problem: lots of good ideas and not enough time to do them all.A "66 days of marketing" build in public stunt.How fun it would be to hire for Sword & Source.A breakdown of the Traction framework for creating a marketing strategy.Detailed deep dive and Brandon's take on what Adam should do for his marketing strategy.