Adam has joined the team at LegendKeeperAdam published his thought process on finding a team on his blog.Summary of Adam's thought process of why he wanted to find a team. His story so far.Why Adam did not join CodexWorldbuilding software is highly competitive within the TTRPG software niche.The big jumps in business maturity Adam has to go through now. Feelings of overwhelm.The importance of taking a step back to look at the big picture. The shift to LegendKeeper was not driven by daily pain.The effect on Brandon of moving to Vancouver.Brandon has joined Y Combinator to accelerate CodexRecent IndieHackers podcast gives some insight into what YC is actually like.The importance of peer pressure.Brandon's take on YC so far.The magic of deadlines when you have a great team.Adam's first ever Angel Investment. The joy of placing asymmetric bets.Stats on how likely you are to succeed as an angel investor.The scary truth of B2C odds when focusing on profit.SaaS has benchmarks which are useful.Quantitative VS Qualitative definitions of Product-Market Fit.Differences in milestones for VC-track VS boostrap companies.Subtleties of retention.The LK business impressions so far.Brandon's Request: Make the recipes of the worldbuilders in LegendKeeper and film it on YouTube.