Monday, The Third Week Of Lent (Mar. 8)

Narrated by Kayla Marty   

One Should Die for All

Caiaphas, who was high priest that year, said to them, “You know nothing at all. Nor do you understand that it is better for you that one man should die for the people...” John 11:49-§0

Israel’s leaders were worried, afraid that Jesus followers would start a revolt that would bring the wrath of Rome on their nation. “Better that one should die for all, the high priest said. How profound! Caiaphas echoed God the Father's mind and Jesus’ purpose in coming to earth.

Here is God's plan of salvation for all of us in a nutshell: Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God, was sacrificed in place of all the guilty sheep who deserved to die. That was God's idea all along. By his wounds we are healed! Praise God for his incredible love for us.

REFLECT: What can keep you trusting in God’s one and only plan of salvation?

PRAY: Thank you, Father, for your Son’s wounds. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.