The Third Sunday Of Lent (Mar. 7)

Narrated by Pastor Mark Zehnder

Help, Don’t Harm

You shall not murder. Exodus 20:13

On the surface it seems so simple. Most of us have never murdered anyone. There’s more to it, however. Jesus said if you are angry with someone, you are guilty. Luther said if you have harmed anyone or failed to help anyone in need, you are guilty. There is nothing we can say, no excuse or alibi to cover up our guilt. We are doomed.

Except... there is one way to satisfy God's judgment. Jesus has done what we cannot do: he kept this commandment perfectly, even dying in love for the worst of sinners. His perfect life and sacrificial wounds cover our sins with life-giving grace and mercy. What a gift!

Accept his gracious gift and honor him with hymns of grateful praise. Honor him, too, by loving (that means helping, not harming) others as Christ has loved us. Keep your eyes open today for a target for your love.

REFLECT: What are specific things you can do to help others?

PRAY: Open my heart, Jesus, to your healing love and show me how to share it with my neighbors. Amen.

Devotional content provided by Creative Communications for the Parish.