This episode, I got to talk with sung! sung is a writer and interdisciplinary artist from Korea. They are the author of What About the Rest of Your Life (Perfect Day Publishing) and Flowers Are for Pussies (Ghost City Press). Their work has appeared in Nat. Brut, Kweli Journal, Contrary, The James Franco Review, The Wanderer, and Crab Fat Magazine.   Media, artists, books, etc mentioned in this episode: sung's website sung's Twitter Kaveh Akbar bag of dirt tweet  Jamie Berrout's essays against publishing Interview with Kaveh Akbar where he discusses "Poems are rarely on the side of power." Not mentioned in the episode, but looks interesting to read (and it's free online!) on the subject of trauma and how our culture makes it a commodity: Decolonizing Trauma Studies: Trauma and Postcolonialism Paintbucket  "To eat the fruit climb the tree" poem Black Orpheus soundtrack Dreaming of Ramadi in Detroit by Aisha Sabatini Sloan "On Basquiat, the Black Body, and a Strange Sensation in My Neck" by Aisha Sabatini Sloan Kendra Allen's When You Learn the Alphabet The sound of waves breaking is "Wynd" by weerm This episode's editor and social media manager is Mitchel Davidovitz

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