In this episode I spoke with noor ibn najam about her recent work and writing process. they also discussed showing work to friends and skill-sharing. Sorry that the intro and outro audio is a little wonky this time around, but my interview with noor is still good.

noor is a poet who teases, challenges, breaks, and creates language. she's received fellowships from Callaloo and The Watering Hole and is a recent resident of the Vermont Studio Center. her poems have been published and anthologized with DIAGRAM, ANMLY, The Academy of American Poets, the Rumpus, Bettering American Poetry, and others. her chapbook, PRAISE TO LESSER GODS OF LOVE, was published by Glass Poetry Press in 2019.

noor’s website

purchase Praise to Lesser Gods of Love

noor’s Patreon

Writers, poems, books, events mentioned in this episode:

The Arab Apocalypse, by Etel Adnan

noor's poem "questions arabic asked in english (colonial fit)

an interview of Douglas Kearney where he discusses compositional hierarchy

“I am an artist and I'm sensitive about my shit,” a lyric from Erykah Badu ‘s “Tyrone.”

Zong! by M. NourbeSe Philip

The Secret Name,” by W.S. Graham

وسوس Arabic for "whispers of the devil in your ear"

khaleel, artist and noor’s partner

Qil, Astro-Black Metalbender behind the jewlery line BLACKMARZIAN

Keziah Harrell, painter

Jamal Jones on Twitter

kiki nicole

here’s an interview kiki and I recorded last year

noor’s Skill Swaps

The Sound of Waves Breaking is “Walking on Snow,” recorded by rivernile7.

Editor and Social Media Manager: Mitchel Davidovitz

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