archive What started as a way for me to use media to reach out to small communities in a global pandenic has evolved into exploring the world from my green Antler homestead in the village of tahsis. In our first 25 episodes, spread out over 2 platform's we have had loads of interesting guests. Some of them are from political circles like our first guest Cyra Yukus of Warfield. We chatted with Mark Gisborne director at large of the AVICC executive and electorial area representative for the quathet region. We have heard from mayor Gaby Wickstrom of Port mc Neill and 4th term city councillor, Arjun Singh of Kamloops. Also Trish Mandewo, who I know from her work on the ubcm executive but is also part of Synergy on Boards. Plus our north island MLA Michelle Babchuk about accessibly improvements of benches and shelters. Yet sometimes its a decidedly more local take with #tahsistalent Patricia Rice, Juanita Dulong and Anne Cameron. And lastly we featured Alex Lidstone with Climate caucus and Colin Spark of Metchosin who spoke about 2030 climate goals and the youth foum held virtually on may 8. Its been a fun journey that finds me suprised and humbled by so much. Other days I just read a chapter from a book or talk about things i am trying to understand better. Thanks for listening and going on this journey with me. Yours from the rainforest, smf