This episode is both a throwback to 1999 and a projection into the future of west coast culture and maritime excellence. In my family, we are so lucky, to hear stormy tales of the west coast and what it is like to be a tug boat captain from tofino. Over dinner conversation at granny sue's we get to hear uncle Ron (granny's boyfriend) talk about travelling the world by sea and air. He can navigate by the wind on his cheek. He advocates for autism education and identifies as an "aspie". But also so much more. He delivers papers in academic and industrial circles and meticulously crafts the details of custom model tugs from his home office. Hand painted finishing touches dry on sticks, special adhesive beside the drinks in the fridge. A trip to our grandmothers house means we watch the salt spring island ferry do its rounds over homemade pavlova, the dessert named after a ballerina, while discussing techniques for reading the sky. In the backyard they have a pond to do remote controlled experiments and run the boats, as they say. We also enjoy picking raspberries, feeding the coy and going to the dog park or the seaside.