I was asked to prepare a brief bit about compassion. As I researched this topic, i began to see it and it's inverse everywhere, as if I was magnetized towards noticing. To share my hopeful dream of inclusive and diverse ways, with which we can connect in our ever evolving humanity. Sometimes it is in only by examining uncompassionate circumstances that we can understand how the absence is how to grasp what we are missing and what we are capable of. Thats how we can all understand love, and its many meanings. By investing time and investigating the lack and loneliness we are capable of, in the varied details of our lives. In our sacrifices and vulnerable hearts we imagine a future with compassionate leaders, civic and civil role models, in a long chain of contributing continuations. The picture is of Ricki's choice "good food box" that was delivered to my door by the wonderful ms moore. Thanks for giving what you can, to food security in our remote outpost. I am very grateful for your time & talent.