In this heartwarming episode of Warriors Unmasked, Chuck Thuss has an enlightening conversation with Mark Phillips, the innovative mind behind HireEducation. From the highs of his early athletic ambitions to the lows of a devastating accident and battles with addiction, Mark's story is one of true resilience and transformation. He shares how these experiences led him to embrace quantum energy research, founding QE Strong to offer natural solutions for health, marking a stark move away from conventional dependency on pharmaceuticals.


Mark's openness about his personal journey through therapy, his commitment to sobriety, and how these choices reshaped his life and work ethos, offer invaluable lessons on the significance of mental health. His narrative is a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with their own challenges, highlighting the strength found in vulnerability and the importance of seeking support.


Listeners will gain insight into creating a nurturing business environment that prioritizes the emotional and mental well-being of its team, alongside achieving business goals. Mark's emphasis on sustainability, emotional health, and community as central pillars of his business model is inspiring for current and aspiring leaders alike.


For those moved by Mark's journey and interested in exploring the intersections of health, leadership, and personal growth, QE Strong represents a gateway to innovative health solutions. Mark's experience underscores the profound impact personal well-being can have on professional success and the broader community.


Dive into this episode of Warriors Unmasked to discover more about Mark Phillips' inspiring journey from adversity to innovation. His story is a powerful testament to the potential for transformation that lies within each challenge we face. Whether you're seeking guidance on enhancing mental health in the workplace or looking for ways to incorporate holistic well-being into your life, Mark's insights offer a roadmap to a more fulfilling and balanced existence.



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Episode Minute By Minute:

00:02 Get to know Mark Phillips, founder of HireEducation and QE Strong. 03:19 Mark and his excitement for joining the conversation on mental health for leaders. 04:27 The stigma around mental health in sports and leadership and how to overcome it.
16:38 Mark's personal story of resilience, from near-death experience to overcoming addiction. 22:33 The founding of QE Strong and the focus on quantum energy for healing. 34:16 How Mark's personal experiences influenced his approach to business and well-being. 42:14 Mark talks about the importance of presence and "just being" for personal balance. 47:48 Reflecting on hitting rock bottom and the pivotal moments leading to recovery. 51:13 Closing thoughts on positive affirmations, self-care, and the journey of personal development.