Dive into the life of Mya Kermelowicz, a remarkable individual whose journey is as inspiring as it is enlightening. Mya, an Endicott alum with a Bachelor’s in Psychology and Creative Arts Therapy and a Master’s in Business Administration, a warrior in her own right. Her work as a Title IX Advocate, Relationship Coach, Public Speaker, and founder of MK Prevention Services has made significant strides in the area of dating violence and sexual assault prevention in high schools and colleges.

Mya's story begins in her freshman year of high school, where she found herself entangled in a toxic relationship with a senior. This relationship, unbeknownst to her at the time, set the tone for what was to come. It was only during a school play, which mirrored her own experiences, that she realized the abusive nature of her relationship. This awakening was a pivotal moment in Mya’s life, leading her down a path of self-realization and empowerment.

Her journey, however, was not without its challenges. Mya faced a series of toxic relationships, a pattern she refers to as 'toxic cycling'. This cycle was a difficult one to break, but Mya's resilience and determination saw her through. She understood the importance of self-love and confidence, recognizing that real change starts from within.

Mya’s insights into relationships are profound. She emphasizes the importance of an equal power dynamic and the dangers of manipulation and gaslighting. Her experiences taught her that verbal and sexual abuse can be just as damaging as physical abuse. These revelations have not only transformed her life but have also fueled her passion to educate others about these critical issues.

Now, as an advocate and educator, Mya is dedicated to opening hearts and minds. She stresses the importance of understanding rights and laws, and the support systems available in schools. Through MK Prevention Services, she has created a platform to educate and empower, reaching out to those who might be struggling in silence.

Mya's message is clear and powerful: You are worthy of love and respect. She encourages everyone to use their voice to create change and ensure safety for themselves and others. So, if you're ready to dive deeper into Mya's incredible journey and her work, hit play now and let her story inspire and guide you.




Email: https://www.mkpreventionservices.com/ 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mk.preventionservices/ 

Linktree: https://linktr.ee/myakermelewicz 

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/dearmk 







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Episode Minute By Minute:

00:00 Introduction to Conversation With Mya Kermelewicz

02:55 Beginning of the Interview and Topic Introduction

03:52 Mya's Personal Journey and Experience with Toxic Relationships

07:21 Understanding the Nature of Toxic Relationships

10:04 The Impact of Toxic Relationships and the Process of Realization

11:10 The Cycle of Toxic Relationships and the Struggle to Break Free

19:26 The Importance of Self-Work and Personal Growth

21:26 The Role of Self-Care and Gratitude in Healing

22:28 The Impact of Meditation and Mindfulness

27:54 The Importance of Feeling Worthy and Valuing Self

29:28 Starting the Journey of Relationship Coaching

30:05 The Power of Sharing Personal Stories

31:25 The Impact of Speaking at Schools

32:58 Realizing the Calling and Starting a Business

34:08 The Emotional Impact of Speaking to Students

36:15 The Importance of Understanding Rights and Laws

37:43 The Struggle of Getting People to Talk About Abuse

40:37 Reflecting on Past Toxic Relationships

45:33 The Importance of Self-Care and Setting Boundaries

46:23 Connecting with Mya and Her Work

48:36 The Power of Vulnerability