Welcome back to another episode of Warriors Unmasked. Today we step into the vibrant narrative of Tony Everett, the founder of My Personal Best Coaching. From England, to California, Tony has shaped a niche as a business coach with a unique clientele—athletes at the cusp of reinvention, poised to transition from competitive sports to the entrepreneurial world. But Tony's coaching transcends business; it's a journey to life transformation, where each session is a stroke that helps paint a new horizon.

Tony's passion for change began with the inception of PureGame in 2009, a sports-based youth development nonprofit rooted in the firm belief that every child deserves to flourish. With a mission to empower, collaborate, and achieve a milestone in both influence and revenue, Tony's coaching philosophy is about reaching personal pinnacles while ensuring his clients do the same.

The essence of Tony's approach is his holistic perspective on growth, his commitment to sparking curiosity, and his devotion to helping clients find new passion and purpose post-sports. His program, Warriors of Change, ingeniously incorporates the elements of water and flow, mirroring the adaptability and fluidity required to navigate life’s varied challenges. It's this unique methodology that sets Tony apart—a coach who sees beyond the scoreboard to the vast potential of the individual.

In our conversation, Tony shares his own transition story, reflecting on his move from England to America, a time when he felt adrift yet eventually found his calling in youth coaching. His focus shifted from athletic performance to the development of character, social engagement, and mental health support for teens. Tony's reflections offer a window into his philosophy: It's not about the wins and losses but about fostering a positive environment where children can truly thrive.

Join us as Tony dives into the profound impact of positive reinforcement and the danger of pressure and comparison that today's youth face in sports and beyond. For coaches and parents alike, Tony provides actionable insights—how to acknowledge effort, nurture self-esteem, and communicate effectively with the young athletes. 

This episode of Warriors Unmasked is more than just a podcast; it's a transformative conversation that challenges and changes our approach to youth sports and development. Press play and immerse yourself in the story of a man who's redefining the essence of coaching and transforming lives, one encouraging word at a time.



Instagram: mypersonalbestcoaching 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonyeverett66/ 

Website: www.mpbcoaching.com 

Warriors of Change registration: https://my-personal-best-coaching.ck.page/warriorsofchange 






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Episode Minute By Minute:

00:00 Introduction + messages from our sponsors 

02:55 Welcome to our special guest, Tony Everett 

03:33 Today’s conversation on transitioning from a life and career in sports 

04:00 Tony talks about his background and a passion to making a difference in kids lives 

05:20 Tony opens up about his passion for youth sports in America 

09:09 Young kids dealing with anxiety and depression in the pressure of competitive sports 

12:20 The constant struggle of comparison in our world today 

14:04 Tony talks about how parents and coaches can combat this fight to be perfect 

18:09 Tony shares how parents need to give their kids space to process 

21:25 The importance of expanding a kids comfort zone and taking it step by step 

23:27 The power of celebrating the little things as kids learn and the effects into adulthood 

27:23 Tony gives a challenge to parents on what their self image is 

30:00 Tony talks about reminding athletes that their 100% looks different each day 

32:37 The hard transition from athletics to post athletics 

35:19 Tony talks about the process of finding identity and passion again 

38:01 How to find curiosity again as an adult after sports 

39:38 The identity shift from a paid athlete to a new career 

42:37 Tony talks about the mental health crisis and if there is any progress being made in sports 

48:08 How to follow Tony and keep up with his work 

50:49 Tony’s advice to those who are transitioning out of sports and struggling with identity