Welcome to episode 109 of Warriors Unmasked where we dive deep into the life of Thomas Buckley, a man who has weathered the storm of addiction and emerged stronger on the other side.

Thomas has spent over three decades in the hospitality industry, wielding his contagious enthusiasm to inspire others. With a deep love for golf, a devout faith, and a rich family history, he has a myriad of life experiences that have shaped his views on life.

However, growing up in a large family with an alcoholic father was not without its hardships. Despite being naturally gifted, Thomas often felt that he was never good enough, a sentiment that shadowed his every achievement. Through these struggles, he found solace in sports. Excelling at baseball and golf, he found these solo sports provided him with an escape from his turbulent home life.

But when sports weren't enough, Thomas turned to drugs and alcohol in high school, marking the start of his battle with addiction. Despite the dire consequences, he remained in denial, refusing to take responsibility for his actions. It was only when his father intervened that he acknowledged the need for change.

A major turning point was when his father, who had himself found sobriety, decided to send Thomas away to get help. In a moment of God's grace, Thomas agreed, embarking on a journey to recovery that he chronicles in his first book.

Join us on this episode of Warriors Unmasked as Thomas shares his inspiring journey from being a struggling child to a successful man who now strives to make the world a better place. From tales of hardship and heartbreak to lessons of love, hope, and empowerment, this episode is bound to leave you feeling inspired and motivated.




Grace and Golf Book: https://www.amazon.com/Grace-Golf-Saving-Mans-Soul/dp/B0B7QDGN7V/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3MWR3OIQXH0PC&keywords=grace+and+golf+thomas+buckley&qid=1681774642&sprefix=Thomas+Buckley+%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-1 






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Episode Minute By Minute:

0:00 Introduction from Chuck + messages from our sponsors

2:50 Chuck and Thomas share a lot of things in common and early life for Thomas

5:59 Thomas’ first love, sports

10:35 The other extracurricular activities, drugs and alcohol

13:26 How Thomas’ siblings were or weren’t there for him in addiction

16:46 You can’t BS a BSer

20:53 When God acts anonymously

23:19 I can only take action, God is in the results business

33:00 Blessings and ego

42:44 Next thing you know, Thomas wins the Turkish Open

46:55 “Grace and Golf” available now

51:34 A message to anyone who doesn’t believe God will greet them with open arms