Otto’s Teacher Story - 14 year teaching veteran; started out in Warren Township, and has been at MCHS 156 for the last seven years.  Otto has grown the Spanish program from the ground up, all along working to prepare students for AP Spanish. They are ready!


Loves Hip Hop, has been a Break Dancer since 5 years old, brought a Break Dance program to MCHS, and has been involved in the staff band "Staff Infection"

Golden Apple Scholar

Won the Golden Apple scholarship out of high school!

Favorite Classroom Story

Struggled his first year here in MCHS, working with a young lady who struggled with being judged for assimilating to American culture.

Recently made connections with his kids during COVID by heading to kid’s homes, making sure they had supplies and treats!

Advice for New Teachers

Give grace to others and to YOURSELF!

EdTech Tools - choosing the ones that work for you.  Keep it simple.



Guest - Otto Corzo

Host of WarriorEDU:


Dr. Jeff Prickett

Leah Pelletier


Dr. Jeff Prickett

Leah Pelletier

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