
In today’s episode, I chat with Madalyn Sklar, social media marketer, twitter influencer, and creator of Go Girls Music, the oldest and largest online community of indie women musicians. Madalyn shares some of the secrets to success she has gathered in her 20 plus years in the business of engaging with people online. And, she divulges some of the hurdles she’s vaulted to get where she is now.

Madalyn dishes on:

what it’s like to be a pioneer woman…in the social media industry, building relationships with people, mentoring yourself, learning from failure, and tactical twitter tricks you can use today.


On her purpose:

I had no idea that I had this entrepreneurialship inside me. I want everybody to know that it’s not necessarily something you’re born with.

I’m a firm believer that every path we [go] down and every step we take leads to right this moment.


On discomfort/fear:

In business and in entrepreneurship, it’s always good to be fearless.


On failure:

I have no fear of failure and here’s why: I failed early on as an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs need to know that it’s ok to fail…It’s not the end of the world.


On resources:

When I started Go Girls Music and I started my web design business – I started in 1996 when the internet was new -  I realized I was taking all these things I had learned, different skills, and put [them] together. It really worked and I loved it.


On negativity:

Nos can lead to yeses. Roadblocks can be walked around or walked over.


On growth:

You have to do the ready, fire, aim,* not ready, aim, fire; that has to be your mentality.  

Just do it and then shift as you go.    


On work ethic:

You have to be willing to do this longer and harder than anyone else.

Get something in place and just go for it. Just do it. I say just do it so much that it’s now tattooed on my arm. It’s like a mantra. Get in that mindset of ready, fire, aim.* You will accomplish a lot more.

I am using Twitter harder and longer than anybody else I know out there. I‘m willing to do what it takes. I’m willing to work hard, and that’s so important.


On her perfect day:

My perfect day is just waking up and being excited about the day ahead of me.


On taking crazy chances:

Probably the craziest thing I ever did was starting a community for female musicians when nothing existed. I had no mentors to look up to; I became the mentor.


Keep in touch with Madalyn Sklar

Website –

Social Media – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn @MadalynSklar; and YouTube.

Learn more about #TwitterSmarter.

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