This is episode 99 of the podcast, and next week is the 100th episode. it seems a totally fitting tribute, for a podcast dedicated to changing the conversation about this transformation, to have a guest whose profound book is all about debunking our most socially potent beliefs about what defines a mother and where they came from (spoiler alert: they don't come from rigorous scientific examination, at best I'd call them science adjacent).

My guest shares the experiences she had in pregnancy and postpartum that inspired her to write this book which so powerfully dispels so many myths around mothers and motherhood. While she was talking, all I could think was: why weren't you whispering this in my ear when I was pregnant? This could have changed how I thought about lots of aspects of my postpartum, although I'm grateful to overturn some of my most oppressive beliefs; hopefully she can change how you think of this period.

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.