This show is focused so far on the unexpected elements of the emotional or physical toll of pregnancy and birth. Today that story is extended to include the emotional and physical impact of a pregnancy that didn't find its footing and ended in abortion. Abortion is obviously a topic most people have strong feelings about. And unfortunately, those strong feelings tend to flatten the conversation, when in reality like all elements of reproduction, thinking and talking about abortion requires nuance. Some people may seek out first trimester abortion early in their pregnancy and feel like this choice. This procedure is like any other medical procedure. For other women. It comes with more personal or cultural or religious baggage and it's in no way easy for them to make that choice. In today's episode, my guest has a second trimester abortion and her pregnancy which many complications arose. And her experience of working through the grief of this loss is impactful to hear and very much a story that I will carry with me for a long time. 

For extended show notes, see:

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.