Our ability to delay pregnancy through various forms of birth control may lead us all to have expectations about our ability to manage our own fertility. It’s one thing to stop pregnancy, and something altogether different to initiate it. Today’s guest, a fan of control like the rest of us, is a master planner.  She planned to get pregnant quickly, have an enjoyable pregnancy, and a routine birth. But the birth refused to follow the birth plan. Pregnancy is, among other things, an educator, teaching hard and often valuable lessons.  All the events of that first birth helped to broaden her expectations in her pursuit of a second child, and as a consequence, she and her partner were able to create amazing birth memories the second time around.

I also get the insights of a fantastic anesthesiologist about epidurals.

For extended show notes, see: https://warstoriesfromthewomb.com/

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.