Today's guest grew up with a mother who is something of an earth goddess, meaning that she was involved in a movement toward empowered birthing long before it's a main cultural current. So the seeds of an idea of what a birth should look like were planted early in my guests life. In the course of her first delivery, preeclampsia fell on her out of a clear blue pregnancy–one that was normal and healthy up to that point. This condition can come with insults to any number of organs, and in her case it dramatically affected her vision. She was struck by blindness.  Her story of coming to terms with the differences between her image of this process and the actual process is inspiring and so too was the way she and her husband managed the large number of obstacles they met along the way to creating their family. What follows is part one of her story. In part two, which will be released next Friday, the ninth we're joined by a neuro ophthalmologist who explains what's going on physically when preeclampsia includes blindness.

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.