In general all the stories women shared on the show reflect on Roe in part because they show how challenging pregnancy can be both physically and mentally even when pregnancy is highly sought after. That's one of the major take homes from this podcast real women sharing their actual experiences and hopefully contributing to a more realistic narrative around pregnancy and birth. And today's story is very much in this vein. My guest today walked into pregnancy unsure about whether she wanted to have a child. Ultimately she and her partner decided they did. She ran into gestational diabetes which effected how she felt about the pregnancy and her ability to control her blood sugar, and had a significant impact on the delivery, which happened in late fall of 2019, so she also had to contend with a six month old when the first lockdown happened. She and her partner managed it all and now are enjoying their 2 and a half year old.

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.