Today my guest experiences pain in her everyday life for years after pregnancy. And then finally, after an exploratory surgery gets a diagnosis she's been waiting for.

In today's episode you'll hear how Kayshaun, a nurse turned businesswoman who is a mother of four, uses the pain and trauma from her four complicated pregnancies to help other people find their voice and consider natural remedies to things like fibroids and endometriosis. What follows is the second part of our conversation, as well as some insights about preeclampsia from Dr. Jellen, the Program Director of maternal fetal medicine fellowship and associate professor of psychology and obstetrics at Johns Hopkinsa professor of obstetrics and gynecology.  We return to Kayshaun's story, as she's describing the consequence of carefully investigating her fibroid situation as she's trying to avoid a hysterectomy.


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This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.