Today's episode features a moving story from a woman who recalls her first pregnancy in the late 1960s. The pregnancy was unintended. She was 18. Her parents, her social setting, and the cultural expectations of the time suggested that she had two options: either to marry her then boyfriend and start a family or have the baby in secret and surrender the newborn to the social workers who vaguely tended to her in the Home for Unwed mothers where she spent the end of her pregnancy and birth. Raised in the catholic faith to strict parents, abortion was not something she'd think to pursue, and it wasn't legal or easily accessed, especially for a women who wasn't married.  My guest reflects on how dramatically cultural views of sex and marriage have changed since she was first pregnant, and how her feelings about these topics have changed as well.

for extended show notes, see:

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.