If, in your attempts to start a family, you run into trouble getting pregnant you quickly learn about a thousand elements involved in the process of getting pregnant: hCG and estrogen and the uterine lining and if you are making use of IVF technology to get pregnant, a whole other set of elements enter the equation: the quality of eggs and sperm and if you are lucky embryos, and then, again, if you are lucky, the quality of the embryo after a few days of cell division, the blastocyst…and the list goes on and on. What today’s guest contends with, which I’m guessing is a common issue for most people who use IVF, is the question of what to do with the remaining frozen embryos. The power of their potential keeps her and her husband uncertain about their appropriate fate.   I also include the insights of Dr. Tanya Glenn, a reproductive endocrinologist from Yale 

for more detailed show notes, see: https://warstoriesfromthewomb.com/

This is a weekly show that highlights real pregnancy, birth & postpartum stories.